Monday, April 27, 2015


I should probably have started this blog with saying that Amy Poehler is a goddess, because then that will be gospel truth, but I feel Amy wouldn't mind (unless she would, then wow; insecure much)< totally not feeling super anxious about putting that into the world cause Amy is amazing and I hope in the awkward chance she ever reads this that she knows it's a joke and laughs her ass off and publicly accuses me of stealing her precious booty from her. But I digress. Poehler is a goddess. She helped found the UCB, and, as much as I am a pretentious performance artist, I'm slowly realizing how important comedy is to me, and by extension my work. Improv is amazing (I say amazing way too much) and I love my weekly meeting with my school's improv troupe, IMPROV TECHNICIANS. I love character work and letting that character live in the moment. (note to improvisors, find your local Nordic LARPing group. Trust me. They will make you be in a character for three hours and it makes you commit to the bit. It's not about winning, it's playing to lose to have the most interesting journey, and they can give you valuable games. That being said, probably find out the premise of the LARP first before you wind up in some crazy vampiric cult LARP, unless you into that.) I love slowly creating stock characters: my stereotypically gay teen, my Russian farmer, the French art teacher, the Spanish?Russian acting teacher (my Spanish accent is shit), etc etc. And I love using improv to shamelessly flirt with straight boys and basically forcing them to flirt back because of "YES, AND".     

I just finished YES PLEASE and am gonna start reading it again so I can highlight the good junk, write some notes, and really absorb everything she said. I recommend reading it, listening to her advice, and then build a shrine. Not to her. To anyone. Shrines are good. Build one to yourself. To your cats. Meditate on how much Meow Mix you need to buy. Namaste.

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